Now I am quietly waiting for
the catastrophe of my personality
to seem beautiful again,
and interesting, and modern.
The country is grey and
brown and white in trees,
snows and skies of laughter
always diminishing, less funny
not just darker, not just grey.
It may be the coldest day of
the year, what does he think of
that? I mean, what do I? And if I do,
perhaps I am myself again.
Uma passagem do poema 'Mayakovsky', retirado de Meditations in a Emergency, de Frank O' Hara (1957), esse livro a quem Don envia um exemplar a um desconhecido (por enquanto), dizendo "Reminded me of you". MAD MEN é de facto algo de extraordinário. Custa a entrar, mas depois entranha-se sem misericórdia. Atirem-se a isto que nem feras.